We support communities
with self-help approaches that are manageable and sustainable at the local level
The BUILD Project
The BUILD Project seeks to address the interlinked population, health, environment and development (PHED*) challenges for sustainable development in low-…
Fish Right Commences Work with Network of Marine Protected Areas in Palawan
The Fish Right Program, through its consortium partners PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc. (PFPI) and Marine Environment Resources Foundation (MERF), commenced…
Public, Private and Community Partnership for Sustainable Fisheries Launched in Coron, Palawan
Over 300 people joined Fish Right’s Run for the Ocean in support of marine biodiversity conservation as representatives from local…
SEAnergy Project: Philippine-American Fund Biodiversity Grante
Province of Oriental Mindoro is one of the five (5) provinces situated in the Verde Island Passage (VIP) marine Key…
Project Illuminate
Testing new innovations for cost-effective improvements in humanitarian and development practice. Project Illuminate is a joint initiative of PATH Foundation…
Pro-WASH Project
From 2014-2015, PFPI also implemented the Pro-WASH project in the Municipality of Alangalang in Leyte Province-one of the areas affected…
Women Engendering Nation Building by Linking Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Population Health and Environment and Climate Change Initiatives
The NORAD/ARROW supported project aims to mainstream family planning (FP) / SRHR and biodiversity conservation into climate change agenda and…
Frontliners Project for Climate Change Adaptation with League of Municipalities in the Philippines
During 2012-2013, PFPI implemented the Frontliners Project for Climate Change Adaptation with the League of Municipalities in the Philippines (LMP)…
Disney Friends for Change Project
“Rescue Toby!” is the battle cry of the Young Eco-Warrior Movement, which Path Foundation Philippines and partners are working hard…
Empowering Rural Youth with Population-Health-Environment and Enterprise Development Know-How (Empower Project)
EMPOWER is a new poverty reduction initiative launched by PATH Foundation Philippines Inc. (PFPI) in partnership with the ASHMORE Foundation. The…
Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development (BALANCED)
BALANCED is an exciting new five-year Population, Health and Environment (PHE) technical leadership initiative, awarded September 17, 2008 by the…
Building Actors and Leaders for Advancing Community Excellence in Development Project (BALANCED Philippines)
In key bioregions of the country, the threat of demographic factors on the biodiversity and productivity of marine ecosystems and…
Poverty-Population-Environment Project
Mainstreaming Reproductive Health into Poverty Alleviation and Natural Resource Management Agendas in the Philippines “Poverty-Population-Environment Project” Supported by The David…
NGO Initiatives to Prevent HIV/AIDS
Building the capacity of local governments and community groups to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS is the focus of this…
The Alternative Advocacy Project
The project is designed to increase policymaker’s awareness and support for integrated population-health-environment approached in the Danajon Eco region of…
The Integrated Community-Based Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) and Fisheries Management (FM) Project (FISH RH) Initiative
The FISH RH project was a subcontract from USAID via TetraTech EMI to support of the goals and objectives of…
Expanding the Implementation of Integrated Community-Based FP/RH and Coastal Resource Management (CRM) in Selected Provinces in the Philippines (Expanded IPOPCORM)
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) assisted “Expanding the Implementation of Integrated Community-based Family Planning/Reproductive Health and Coastal Resource Management…
Integrated Population and Coastal Resource Management (IPOPCORM)
Supported by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc. is a private, non-profit, non-stock corporation registered with…
AIDS Surveillance and Education Project (ASEP)
The education component of the AIDS Surveillance and Education Project (ASEP) is being implemented by PATH and selected private sector…
We support communities to adapt and apply appropriate technology
and to plan and implement integrated approaches towards human and ecosystems health